Association of New York State
Youth Bureaus
The Cornerstone of New York's Youth Development!
Links to Help YOU !!!

Below we have provided links to other youth development groups and organization, state and federal contacts, as well as foundations that may be able to assist you with additional funding streams.

Some of the links are to partners of the ANYSYB.  Please visit their sites and see what other groups are doing to better the development of youth in New York.

The ANYSYB is not responsible for the accuracy of any content and/or any offers and agreements made on any of the following websites.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact ANYSYB at:
194 Washington Avenue, Suite 415, Albany, NY 12210 or 518-436-8712
State Partners & Allies

Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York, - New York City’s only locally-based, multi-issue child advocacy organization.

Cornell University - Cooperative Extension, - serves urban, suburban, town and rural areas by offering programs in five broad areas: Agriculture & Food Systems; Children, Youth, & Families; Community & Economic Vitality; Environment & Natural Resources; and Nutrition & Health.

Empire State Coalition of Youth & Family Services, - committed to working on behalf of runaway, homeless and street youth to ensure their rights.

Neighborhood Family Services Coalition, - a group of service providers and advocacy organizations in New York City that is committed to the provision of quality services for children, youth and families at the neighborhood level.

New York State Parks and Recreation Society (NYSPRS), - serves the leisure service industry as an independent, nonprofit, public interest, professional membership association.

New York Advancing Youth Development, – a statewide partnership whose goals are to institutionalize the basic principles of positive youth development in New York State agencies and programs serving youth, increase the knowledge and skills of frontline youth workers, support recognition of the field of youth work as a valued profession, and to initiate and strengthen local youth development networks for youth workers.

Office of Children and Family Services – New York State Commission on National and Community Service (AmeriCorps), - the governor appointed body charged with fostering volunteerism and community service activities that meet the needs of New Yorkers.

State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association (NYPJOA), – certifying organization for Juvenile Officers as well as providing trainings and seminars related to juvenile justice matters.

United Neighborhood Houses (UNH), - a federation of 36 independent settlement houses and community centers throughout New York City seeking to achieve social
reform and to provide a voice for New York's low-income residents.

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Federal Partners & Allies

Child Welfare

Center on Law and Social Policy, - Helps in areas of welfare reform, job training, child care and early education systems.

Child Welfare League of America, - An association of more than 900 public and private non-profit agencies that assist more than 3.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year with a range of services.

Children’s Defense Fund, - Ensures every child a healthy, fair and safe start in life and successful passage to adulthood.

Connect for Kids, - Makes the best use of technology to give adults, parents, guardians, etc. the tools and information they need to improve the lives of children, youth and families.

Every Child Matters, - A national non-profit organization devoted to improving the lives of children and families by advocating for better public policy during federal and state campaigns.

National Center for Children in Poverty, - Identifies and promotes strategies that prevent child poverty in the U.S. and that improves the lives of low-income children and families.

National Human Services Assembly, - A coalition of leading national non-profit agencies committed to helping individuals, families and communities thrive.

National Women’s Law Center, - Protects and advances the progress of
women and girls at work, in school and every aspect of their lives

The Center for Women Policy Studies, - Promotes justice and equality for women.


Gifted Children, - This website has articles, essays and Q & A threads for parents, teachers and professionals who deal with gifted children

The Coalition for Community Schools, - Reminds policy-makers not to forget the vital role that families and communities play in ensuring quality education and strong learning opportunities for students throughout the day..

The Don’t Laugh at Me Project, - A gateway program designed to provide teachers, school counselors and other professional an entry point for character education programs and social and emotional learning as well as interfacing with other efforts of this kind.

Juvenile Justice

Building Blocks for Youth, - Includes information about advocates, researchers and law enforcement professional that seek to protect minority youth in the juvenile justice system.

Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, - Bipartisan, non-profit anti-crime organization led by more than 2,500 police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, victims of violence and leaders of police officer associations.

Gangs or Us, - Provides information about gang interventions and gang prevention and strategies for working with gangs or at-risk of gang involvement.

National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, - Provides parents, teenagers, health care providers, law enforcement officials and others a point of access to
information on youth violence and suicide, including effective prevention and intervention strategies.

Partners Against Hate, - A joint initiative of the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Department of Education’s Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program. It defines hate crimes, describes the principal Federal and State hate crime laws, and examines a number of cases.


The Mentoring Center, - To improve the quality and effectiveness of
mentoring programs and provide a direct service mentoring program model designed to transform the lives of the most highly at-risk youth.

Youth Development

ACT for Youth, - Assets Coming Together for Youth, aims to strengthen community partnerships that promote positive youth development and prevent risky and unhealthy behaviors among young people, ages 10-19 years..

Forum for Youth Investment, - Dedicated to helping communities and the nation make sure all young people are ready for college, work and life.

National Youth Development Information Center, - Offers in depth
information regarding youth development, research, funding and career development and policy issues. If interested in networking with organizations in your community search their youth mobilizations and coalitions database.

Save the Children, - Published the Web of Support Guidebook to share lessons learned working with grassroots organizations to implement quality out-of-school time programs.

Youth Empowerment

Action Without Borders, - A global coalition of individuals and organizations “working to build a world where all people can live free, dignified and productive lives.” This site provides information about thousands of nonprofit organizations around the world.

Collaborative Communities, - Serves as a resource for civic leaders who are willing to build a more collaborative, inclusive and effective culture in their community.

Community Service, - Enables you to find short-term community service projects that meet real needs all over the world.

Corporation for National and Community Service, - provides seed money to help new and start-up organizations proposing new projects or programs, plan and implement new service programs that have the potential of becoming national in scope.

Exploring Careers, - An outstanding site for youth and adults who are supporting young people in their search for occupational information, self-knowledge, career planning, job seeking and work place skills, college and alternative education options.

International Youth Foundation, - This website was developed by IYF to inspire young people worldwide regarding leadership. Their aim is to provide young people some virtual space to share lessons, stories, information and advice regarding effective leadership for positive change.

Kids and Politics, - A Connect for Kids special project, tracks issues that matter most for kids and families. Links to resources for taking action, nationally and in your state.

National Youth Employment Coalition, - Non-partisan network improving the effectiveness of organizations that seek to help youth become productive citizens. It also has a
guide to successful youth development programs.

Teen Voices, - An online version of the printed magazine that is “about girls being themselves and realizing their potential.”

Youth Policy Action, - Designed for youth advocates’ action alerts from around the country. “Our goal is to aid the youth movement by supporting organizations and individuals to promote youth involvement and empowerment.

Youth Rules, - Provides practical information about youth employment laws. It includes detailed easy-to-read information on jobs and hours teens may work, etc.

YouthNOISE, - An initiative of the Save the Children Federation that celebrates “the racket a bunch of young people can generate to make their voices heard.” It provides colorful graphics, which intertwines celebrity news and children’s issues with information on how youths can participate in community solutions.


Bipolar Foundation, - Provides information on early onset bipolar disorders.

Youth Assistance Organization, - It is run by volunteers and was created with the goal of helping youth identify their sexuality, as well as express their concerns and feelings.

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Comprehensive federal Grant Opportunities, - Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies.

NYS Department of Labor, - Provides workforce development information, programs and grants.

NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, - Funds for local agencies to design juvenile crime prevention programs.

U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services Administration for Children & Family Services, - Invites eligible entities to submit applications for grants serving low income persons and families when the new announcements become available.
School Grants


Adopt Us Kids, - Small grants to support efforts on behalf of adoptive parents who address the needs of children with special needs.

Annie E. Casey Foundation, - Makes grants, funds demonstrations, provides services, delivers technical assistance and disseminates data and analysis to foster public policies, human service reforms and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families.

Center on Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), - CIRCLE provide grants for research on civic engagement that is conducted by youth. Research teas that include youth & adults working together, or research teams of youth and adult mentors are welcome to apply.

FastWEB, - Is the largest online scholarship search available.

Fundsnet Online Services, - A comprehensive website dedicated to providing nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities with information on financial resources available on the Internet.

Gannett Foundation, - Targets grassroots organizations in the areas of social and human services, health and mental health. Other areas of interest include education, arts and culture, civic and community projects.

Hazen Foundation, - Private foundation which seeks to assist minority and disadvantaged young people achieve their full potential.

MindOH! Foundation, - Resources for victims of bullying, parents, teachers, youth workers and bullies themselves to help understand the full meaning and
consequences of bullying and to search for ways of stopping online social cruelty.

Ounce of Prevention Foundation, - Invests in the healthy development of at-risk infants, toddlers and preschool children.

Public Private Ventures, - National non-profit organization that seeks to improve the effectiveness of social policies, programs and community initiatives, especially as they affect youth and young adults.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, - Makes grants for a multitude of youth issues.

Rosie’s For All Kids Foundation, - Non-profits with chidcare and after school programs can apply for funding from the Rosie’s for All Kids Foundation. 80% of funding goes for infant, toddler and preschool programs.

School Grants, - A collection of resource sand tips to help K-12 educators apply for and obtain special grants for a variety of projects.

The WHO Foundation, Women Helping Others, - Supports grassroots charities serving the overlooked needs of women and girls.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation, - Grants available in Youth & Education, Health, Food Systems and Rural Development.

William T. Grant Foundation, - Awards grants that “deepens and broadens the knowledge base in areas that contribute to creating a society that values young people as a resource and helps them live up to their potential.

Writing Resources/Data

Brookings Institute, - Private non-profit organization devoted to
independent research and innovative policy solutions.

Child Trends, - Non-partisan research organization dedicated to improving the lives of children by conducting research.

Funders Collaborative on Youth Organizing, - Explores the influences of community organizing and youth development on youth organizing: common characteristics, primary issues, and an appendix presents a digest of research and reports, reflections from the field, curricula and toolkits.

Grant Writing Tools Web Sites, - Lists a wide variety of grant application forms, sample proposals, sample budgets and other resources from foundations and government sources. Also links to other grant writing and fundraising tutorials and courses that are free.

Grantionary, - Gives a list of grant-related terms and their definitions.

Internet Nonprofit Center, - Developed by the Evergreen State Society, which is a nonprofit policy and management organization. It contains information on over 100 issues involving the operation of nonprofit agencies.

National Academy of Sciences, - The report from the NAS entitled Community Programs to Promote Youth Development studies the important elements of adolescent well being and looks at the features of successful youth development programs.

National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth, - Federal agency information on new initiatives and resources with a focus on youth.

National Kids Count Data Book, - National and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the U.S.

Nonprofit Quarterly, - Provides values-based management information and proven practices.

Nonprofit Works, - Helps organizations build their capacity to do more through strategic planning, grant writing, board development and training.

Online Fundraising Group, - The Association of Fundraising Professionals launched this site “ to bring potential volunteers with technology skills together with nonprofits.”

Peter Drucker Foundation, - Includes links to publications produced by the Foundation and a workbook that may be downloaded from the web.

Regional Association for Grantmakers, - Offers programs and resources that support effective, strategic grantmaking.

The Finance Project, - Provides information for nonprofits on good financing strategies and information that defines their strengths, documents their results and engages the broader community.

The Foundation Center, - Helps grant seekers succeed, helping grant makers make a difference.

The Grantsmanship Center, - Covers all aspects of researching grants, writing grant proposals and negotiating with funding sources.

The National Priorities Project, - Has made a database on federal spending in areas from everything from hunger to the military. It is a database that is free and is easy to use. Information on national and state levels and soon on the county level.

The Nonprofit Times, - Leading business publication for non-profit management.

The Research Forum, - Features a searchable database of
summaries of large and small scale research projects.

U.S. Census Bureau, - In addition to extensive and detailed information on the population of all villages, towns, cities, counties and states, this site reports federal expenditures by programs at national, state and county levels.

Youth Today, - A national source for news, views and important developments in the youth service field from a nonprofit organization.

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