The Association
of New York State
Youth Bureaus
In New York our children have a system devoted entirely to positive youth development - for all youth. The youth bureau system embodies the definition of youth development as an ongoing process in which children and adolescents seek ways to meet their personal and social needs, building skills and competencies that allow them to be successful and function effectively in their daily lives. Youth development recognizes the potential which young people possess and builds upon their strengths.
Founded in 1971, the Association has over 200 members representing Youth Bureaus and Youth Boards, not-for-profit youth service organizations and municipalities throughout New York State. The Association is built on a regional structure, with each of the regions represented on the Board of Directors.
The mission of the Association is to promote the physical, emotional and social well-being of youth and families in New York State through a unified, statewide network of youth service programs and professionals.
The Association also works to support and strengthen its member youth bureaus and local youth bureau contract agencies through a comprehensive training program.
Supported by a grant from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, training covers a wide range of topics including best practices, monitoring and evaluation, youth bureau operations and staff development.
Local, regional and state-wide events are held throughout the year in addition to the Association's annual conference. Regions take turns hosting the annual conference, which is held in October.
The Association of New York State Youth Bureaus provides a unified planning and advocacy network for its members and affiliates using a team approach to strengthen youth development initiatives.